Account Deletion Policy

At, we value our users' privacy and understand that there may be circumstances where individuals wish to have their accounts deleted from our platform. To ensure transparency and adherence to data protection regulations, we have formulated the following account deletion policy:

1. Request Process:

  Users who wish to have their accounts deleted from must submit a formal request for deletion. This request can be made through our designated channels, such as contacting our customer support team or submitting a request through our website.

2. Verification:

  For security purposes and to prevent unauthorized deletion requests, we may require users to verify their identity before processing the deletion request. This verification process may involve providing certain account details or answering security questions.

3. Review and Processing:

  Once a deletion request is received and verified, it will undergo review by our dedicated team. We will ensure that the request meets our criteria for deletion and complies with relevant regulations, such as data protection laws.

4. Impact Assessment:

  Before proceeding with the deletion, we will assess the potential impact of the deletion on any ongoing services, orders, or contractual obligations associated with the user's account. This assessment will help us determine any necessary steps to mitigate adverse effects on the user or our services.

5. Deletion Execution:

  Upon completion of the review and impact assessment, we will proceed with the deletion of the user's account and associated personal data from our systems. This process will be carried out promptly and securely to minimize any risk of data exposure or unauthorized access.



6. Confirmation:

  Once the deletion process is completed, we will notify the user via their registered email address or preferred communication method to confirm the successful deletion of their account. This confirmation will serve as assurance that their personal data has been removed from our systems.

7. Retention of Non-Personal Data:

  While personal data associated with the deleted account will be removed, it's important to note that certain non-personal data may be retained for legitimate business purposes, such as transaction records or anonymized usage statistics. However, this retained data will not be identifiable or linked to the deleted account.

8. Appeals and Inquiries:

  Users who have questions or concerns regarding the deletion of their account are welcome to contact our customer support team for further assistance. Additionally, we provide avenues for users to appeal deletion decisions if they believe there has been an error or misunderstanding.

9. Periodic Review:

  We regularly review and update our account deletion policy to ensure it remains compliant with relevant laws and reflects best practices in data protection. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to users through our website or other appropriate channels.


By adhering to this account deletion policy, aims to uphold the privacy rights of our users while maintaining the integrity and security of our platform and services. We are committed to providing a transparent and user-centric approach to account management and data protection.
